
NTD 88
Total NTD 0
每年5月8日,我們相見在筠園,漸漸成為我們的約定,約定每年的這一天,我們回到筠園再見鄧小姐。2020年,我們因為疫情,沒能依約見面...Every year on the 8th of May, we gathered at the Yun Garden, the final resting place of our beloved Teresa Teng. As a result of COVID-19, we are unable to meet up with each other in 2020.
今年,將我們的思念變成行動,讓心意化作鮮花,由基金會送到筠園,讓我們在鄧小姐身邊綻放。 This year, instead of meeting in person, we decided to commemorate her with flowers, which act as a token of our love. Teresa Teng Foundation will deliver the flowers to Yun Garden and blossom around her.